Make an Appointment: [email protected] | 503-709-5137

  • “Before the acorn can bring forth the oak, it must become itself a wreck. No plant ever came from any but a wrecked seed.”

    When a green shoot first comes out of an acorn, it breaks apart the acorn’s shell in the process. To the oak tree it will eventually become, this moment may be looked back on as break-through. But to the acorn itself, this first stage can only ever be experienced as breakdown. Moving from breakdown to breakthrough requires courage to sit with that fragile, newly emerging version of self until it becomes bigger and stronger than what came before.

    We here at Brave Acorn help people in the greater Portland area align body, mind, emotions, and intersectional identities in their daily lives. We nurture strong roots for personal growth and welcome people of all sizes, races, religions, gender identities, and sexual orientations. We are trauma-trained, take a Health at Every Size approach to food and weight issues, and encourage people to work with their body and emotions as allies (rather than enemies) on their journey towards growth and healing.

    Here are some places to get started



    Work with your emotions as allies.



    Treat your body with respect.



    Connect with people who recognize and honor your intersecting identities.